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  Ash Wednesday Services  We start the season of Lent with services for Ash Wednesday. 7:30 am Morning Prayer at St Andrew's Church 12 noon Eucharist with ashing at St Mark's Church 7:30 pm Choral Eucharist with ashing at St Mark's Church ...

Lent Groups There are three ways of deepening your faith in Lent, in smaller groups than you would find at church on a Sunday. The first is through, I suppose, a more traditional  Bible study. These are led by Jackie Robbs on alternate Friday afternoons and...

Charity Wine Tasting: France  versus Rest of the World.    Saturday 9 February at  7:15 pm in St Mark's Hall.  Led by Robert Stanier. There is no charge - but donations of £15 or more per person requested in aid of our Charity of the Month - The UK...

  Quiz Night  in aid of Oxygen (youth work in Kingston and Surbiton)  Saturday 26th January, 7:00 pm onwards. Either form a team (best thing to do) or just arrive and be part of a team. The vicar has got a team of four, but could accommodate up to two...

Sunbeams is back! On Wednesday 9th January, Sunbeams will return for the Spring term at 10:00 am at St Mark's Church. We currently have a short waiting list but to register please come along to a taster session, and your name can be put onto the list.   ...

Join us on Christmas Eve for our Christingle service at St Andrew's Church,either at 3:00 pm when our Children's Choir will be singing or at 5:00pm. A candlelit service suitable for all the family.  ...

Come along this Sunday to St Mark's Church at 9:15 am when the first stories will be told and the first decorations put on our Jesse tree.  What is a Jesse Tree?   Jesse trees are a very old Christmas tradition and first started in medieval times....