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  Tomorrow is Good Friday.  The day the church marks Jesus' death on the cross.  At a time when sacrifice is in the news daily - the sacrifice of those working to keep us safe from COVID-19 - it is very appropriate that we remember God's...

Dear friends, Our next church Zoom service will be Compline (night prayer) for Wednesday in Holy Week. This is tomorrow night Wednesday 8 April at 8pm. You would be very welcome to join us from 7.50pm onwards. If you regularly receive weekly emails from Robert an invitation to...

For Palm Sunday Robert our vicar has posted a sermon on the St Andrew and St Mark Youtube channel. Other sermons can be found on the channel : To view the Palm Sunday sermon  please use this link

Even though we are not meeting at church on Sunday, we will be meeting together online.  On Sunday we will have a short service via Zoom. There is a choice of services either the Family service at 9:15 am or a  more adult service at 11 am. To...

Even though our church buildings are closed we are still open.   Our clergy, staff and volunteers are here to help the vunerable in our community.   To keep up with our news and to stay in contact with what we can offer please visit Or find us on...