Parish updates

  SERVICES for the foreseeable future during the Covid-19 lockdown will be online via Zoom or on some occasions on Facebook Live.  To obtain information about how to join these regular services please contact the parish office at This Sunday we have two services for you...

Whilst the church buildings are closed due to the Covid-19 outbreak we are still open as a church serving our local community. We are meeting as a church online via Zoom on a Sunday at 9:15 am for the Family service and at 11 am for...

Dear friends, Our next church Zoom service will be Compline (night prayer) for Wednesday in Holy Week. This is tomorrow night Wednesday 8 April at 8pm. You would be very welcome to join us from 7.50pm onwards. If you regularly receive weekly emails from Robert an invitation to...

For Palm Sunday Robert our vicar has posted a sermon on the St Andrew and St Mark Youtube channel. Other sermons can be found on the channel : To view the Palm Sunday sermon  please use this link