Stay connected

Lent family calendar from the Mothers' Union with ways to mark Lent. For each day of Lent there is an activity to do or a topic to talk about as a family. A great way to focus on Lent and prepare for Easter. Lent Calendar for families...

  'Bring and Share' tea on Wednesday 21st February  at St Mark's church, 3 - 5pm The Mothers' Union are hosting a Bring and Share tea on Wednesday 21st February from 3 - 5pm at St Mark's church.  Coffee, tea and squash will be provided. All ages are...

Ash Wednesday services on 14th February, for the start of the season of Lent : Morning Prayer at 7.30am at St Andrew's church Said Eucharist with ashing at 12 noon at St Mark's church Choral Eucharist with ashing at 7.30pm at St Marks' church....

Home Groups are kicking off again in the New Year and you are welcome to join any one of the following over the coming weeks.  (Please note there will be some small changes with Lent and the Lent Groups) Tuesday evenings - 7.45pm - 9th January,...

Sunbeams- Stay and Play group at St Mark's church starts on Wednesday 10th January at 10am. Come along for play and songs, a coffee and a chat. Please note there is currently a short waiting list but please try a '' sample'' session to register...

Advent Quiet Morning on Saturday 9th December 2017, 9.30am till 12.30pm at St Mark’s church. There will be readings and reflections with silence on the themes of Advent and Christmas. Come for all or part of the morning. Refreshments will be available....