05 Jan Home Groups – New Year.
Home Groups are kicking off again in the New Year and you are welcome to join any one of the following over the coming weeks. (Please note there will be some small changes with Lent and the Lent Groups)
Tuesday evenings – 7.45pm – 9th January, 23rd January and 13th February – study guides available when you come to Home Group – we will be studying ‘Busyness’. For more details, ask Clare Mannall or contact the Parish Office.
Tuesday Morning House Group re-starts on the 16th January 10.30 for 11 o’clock. We meet fortnightly at the home of John and Olga Wickenden, 42 Norton Avenue.
Friday lunchtimes (1.30pm to 3.00pm) – January 19th, February 2nd and February 16th in St Mark’s. We will be looking at the first few chapters of John’s Gospel. For more information, please speak to Jackie Robbs or phone the Parish Office.