Stay connected

Parish e-Quiz via Zoom: Saturday 27th June 2020, 8pm Back by popular demand, the St Andrew and St Mark Parish Quiz is returning to a screen near you - and this time it's serious.   Well, not too serious, but there is a bottle of Blomfield's Gin at stake, along with...

Following the success of our trip to the seaside, you are all cordially invited to join our church Flying Circus group for a virtual trip to the zoo via Zoom.We will meet at 10am onward, on Tuesday 9th June on Zoom. For the Zoom link and codes please contact the parish...

We are very fortunate to have a prayer card produced for the parish to guide us in our prayers. You are invited to prayer each day with others either between 7-8am or 9 – 10pm. The current prayer card covers the month of June. "For I am...

  On Saturday 30th May 2020, Robert is running an online Virtual Wine tasting event to raise money for the parish Charity of the month, The Leprosy Mission. You can join the Virtual Wine tasting event by registering for a ticket by emailing the parish office