24 Jun Virtual trip to the Holy Land
Have you been to the Holy Land? ‘No’, then why not join us to experience a virtual pilgrimage to the Holy Land. If your answer is ‘Yes’, then come along and share your experiences of your trip.
Join us for a virtual pilgrimage to the Holy Land via Zoom on Tuesday 7th July, at 10am.
Come along, with a cup of tea in hand, and we will travel by boat across the Mediterranean from the comfort of our own homes. (If there are no storms along the way, we may break our journey briefly at St Paul’s Bay in Malta).
Once in the Near East, we travel across land to Jerusalem, taking in sundry pilgrimage sites. Our trip will last about an hour.
And if you have a favourite memory of a trip to the Holy Land or there’s a poem or a short excerpt from a book about it that you love, please bring these with you to share, if you would like.
We hope you can join us for our virtual adventure.
For the Zoom link to join the online pilgrimage please contact sasms@btinternet.com or check your weekly email update from Robert.