27 Apr Thought for the Train – Knife crime: the wrong question
Thought for the Train - Knife crime, the wrong question...
Thought for the Train - Knife crime, the wrong question...
Pew sheet for Sunday 29th April 2018...
Pew sheet for Sunday 22nd April 2018...
The APCM (Annual Parish Council Meeting) will be held this year at St Mark's on Sunday 29th April after the 9.15am service at 10am. The 11am Choral Eucharist will follow after the meeting at St Mark's . Come to here what has been happening at...
Mothers' Union will be meeting on Wednesday 18th April at 2.30pm at St Mark's church when Mrs Grant will be speaking about the charity 'Welcare'. All are welcome....
Pew sheet for Sunday 15th April 2018...
Pew sheet for Sunday 1st April 2018...
Holy Week is full of services as we mark the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. To see what services we have please see this leaflet which tells you what services are happening, what happens and why and when you might want to go. Holy Week...
Pew sheet for Sunday 25th March 2018...
Mothers' Union are meeting on Wednesday 21st March at 2.30pm at St Mark's church when David Candlin will be speaking about his experience in Cameroon and his journey to ordination. All are welcome....