Virtual trip to the seaside

Virtual trip to the seaside

You are cordially invited to join our church Flying Circus group for a virtual trip to the seaside via Zoom.
We will meet at 10am onward, on Tuesday 19th May.
Come along, with a cup of tea in hand, and once we are all gathered we will travel to Brighton, from the comfort of our own homes, by train – in 4 minutes!  It’s amazing what modern technology can do!
For your amusement and delight, there will be a walk along a beach and a trip to the amusement arcade (so raid the tuppence jar) and maybe even a visit to the chippy!  Our trip will last about an hour.
And if you have a favourite memory of a seaside holiday or there’s a poem about the sea you love, please bring these with you to share, if you would like.
I hope you can join us for our virtual adventure. For the invitation please see your weekly email or contact the parish office at