17 Sep Tudor Choral Eucharist
Posted at 15:57h
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This Sunday at St Andrew’s, we head to the Elizabethan age.
Queen Elizabeth may not have had much luck with husbands, but she did very well in choosing her court composers. William Byrd and Thomas Tallis are still acknowledged masters and it is Byrd’s Mass in Four Voices, that the choir will be singing on Sunday at St Andrew’s.
It will also be a chance to experience the liturgy from the 1552 Prayer Book, which was largely incorporated into the 1662 ‘Book of Common Prayer’, which tends only to be used at smaller services these days, but conveys a different shade of spirituality from that which you normally find in more modern services.
This will be a one off chance to go back in time and experience church from a 16th Century perspective. All the hymns and music will be Tudor, such as Elizabeth or William Shakespeare would have sung on their Sunday mornings in church.
So, if you have a heart for Tudor music, the roots of the Church of England, the Prayer book, thinking about the difference between Catholic and Protestant, or even just if you’ve got curious about this period because of Wolf Hall, then come to St Andrew’s this Sunday at 11am.