This Sunday 2nd August at St Andrew & St Mark’s

This Sunday 2nd August at St Andrew & St Mark’s

Things are certainly  different at the moment……and we are doing things differently at St Andrew’s this Sunday. 

At 11am, we will have a service of Matins (BCP Morning Prayer) at St Andrew’s.  This will include Psalm 85, readings from the Song of Solomon and 2 Peter, along with the Venite and the Te Deum, a sermon and a hymn.  There is no Eucharist at the 11am service this week, but it will be back next week.  You may not be familiar with services in “traditional English”.  We hope, however, that you will appreciate the beauty of the language we will use.  The forms of words found in the BCP and the King James’ Version of the Bible are from a formational period in the history of church and state, and have sustained the spiritual lives of generations of churchgoers – to this day!

Please contact the parish office: for the online code to join this service via Zoom.