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Charity Wine Tasting: France  versus Rest of the World.    Saturday 9 February at  7:15 pm in St Mark's Hall.  Led by Robert Stanier. There is no charge - but donations of £15 or more per person requested in aid of our Charity of the Month - The UK...

  Quiz Night  in aid of Oxygen (youth work in Kingston and Surbiton)  Saturday 26th January, 7:00 pm onwards. Either form a team (best thing to do) or just arrive and be part of a team. The vicar has got a team of four, but could accommodate up to two...

Sunbeams is back! On Wednesday 9th January, Sunbeams will return for the Spring term at 10:00 am at St Mark's Church. We currently have a short waiting list but to register please come along to a taster session, and your name can be put onto the list.   ...