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We are currently advertising for an Associate Priest to join the team here at St Andrew & St Mark Surbiton. Please see below the advert for this exciting role of  Associate priest, as well as the job description and information pack about the parish of St...

GRESHAM COLLEGE LECTURES (Video recordings of lectures delivered by Professor Alister McGrath) St. Mark’s Church, Surbiton Sundays at 6.30pm ARE SCIENCE AND FAITH AT WAR? A series of 3 Gresham College Lectures  to be shown in St. Mark’s Church on Sunday evenings following Evening Prayer at 6pm on: May 26th:                 Science and...

Good Friday - Children's Easter Worship St Andrew's Church  Friday 19th April  10:00 am Easter holiday diary date for you and your children  – bring them to St. Andrew’s Church at 10am on Good Friday for a short, informal and multi-sensory re-telling of the Easter story. Come and learn...

This Sunday, 7th April is the APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting). The meeting will follow the 9:15 am All Age Eucharist at St Mark's church. Please come along to find out more about what happened last year at St Andrew and St Mark, and what the direction of...