05 Dec St Nicholas is visiting St Mark’s Church!
Top secret...
Top secret...
Pew sheet for Sunday 6th December 2020...
Join us for our annual Candle lit Carol service of 9 lessons and carols online on Sunday 20th December at 6pm. This year the carol service will be online only. It will be a full service of carols, readings and candlelight which will be livestreamed via...
Pew sheet for Sunday 29th November 2020...
This week's Thought for the Train a short column written by Robert, the vicar of St Andrew and St Mark Surbiton Thought for the Train Cutting aid...
Pew sheet for Sunday 22nd November 2020...
Here is the latest Thought for the Train from Robert, the vicar of St Andrew and St Mark Surbiton Thought for the Train Bystanders and interventionists ...
Whisky Tasting Fundraising event Saturday 28th November at 730pm We’ve normally marked St Andrew’s Day with a shared meal at St Andrew’s in the context of a eucharist, and made contributions to the Fircroft Trust. We can’t really do that, but we want to continue to support...
Pew sheet for Sunday 15th November 2020...
The address given by Rev'd Robert Stanier at the funeral of the late John Perry can be read here John Perry Funeral address Friday 6th Nov 12.45pm__ 2020...