28 May Pew sheet for Sunday 30th May 2021
Pew sheet for Sunday 30th May (Trinity)...
Pew sheet for Sunday 30th May (Trinity)...
Pew sheet for Sunday 16th May 2021...
Our APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) will be held on Sunday 23rd May 2021 after the 11am Parish Eucharist at St Andrew's Church. To see the APCM Report and accounts 2020 please click APCM Annual Report 2020 - FINAL ...
Here is the latest Thought for the Train from Robert, a short column to read on the train (the case in the old days!) but now more likely to be read at your kitchen table. Thought for the train - What to do when you keep...
Pew sheet for Sunday 9th May 2021...
Here is the latest online edition of the Parish magazine, hot off the press!!!. If you have enjoyed reading the magazine online please consider making a donation by visiting our website giving page where there is an online donate button May June ST 2021 Magazine Online Edition...
Pew sheet for Sunday 2nd May 2021...
Many of us at St Andrew and St Mark pray in our individual homes between 7 and 8am and 9 and 10pm each day using our monthly prayer card to guide us in our prayers. Here is the prayer card for the month of May Prayer Card...
The Electoral Roll is the basic list in every parish of all those entitled to vote on elections within the Church of England. Those entitled to have their names on this roll have to be 16 years of age or more and they must reside in the relevant...
Pew sheet for Sunday 18th April 2021...