11 Nov Parish Magazine Spire & Tower November edition
Here is the latest edition of the Parish Magazine, Spire & Tower. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ijLK-ukIyxmmdFEli22sBLqvWHgyngOc/view?usp=sharing...
Here is the latest edition of the Parish Magazine, Spire & Tower. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ijLK-ukIyxmmdFEli22sBLqvWHgyngOc/view?usp=sharing...
Christmas Fair at St Mark's Church is on Saturday 19th November at 11am - 3pm. There will be plenty of stalls, tombola, book stall, crafts, raffle, sweet stall, and festive food and drink as well as an in-person auction with some fantastic bids. For the auction catalogue,...
Pew sheet for Sunday 13th November 2022...
The funeral of Dr Mrs Hiroko Nmadu Onishi will take place at St Mark's Church on Friday 11th November at 11am. Our prayers and thoughts are with the family of Hiroko. We especially pray for Dan and Kai, Mr and Mrs Onishi, and the Nmadu family. The...
PRAYER CARD FOR NOVEMBER Prayer Card November 2022 Let us prayer together. Use this prayer card as a guide to help in your prayers, knowing others are praying with you. Prayer Card November 2022...
Pew sheet for Sunday 6th November 2022...
Pew sheet for Sunday30th October 2022...
Pew sheet for Sunday 23rd October 2022...
Pew sheet for Sunday 16th October 2022...
Pew sheet for Sunday 9th October 2022 ...