13 Apr Pew sheet for Sunday 16th April 2023
Pew Sheet for Sunday 16 April 2023...
Pew Sheet for Sunday 16 April 2023...
Pew Sheet for Sunday 9 April 2023...
Pew Sheet for Sunday 2 April 2023...
Holy Week for Children We have an informal worship at St Mark’s at 9.15am on Palm Sunday (2 April), followed by Palm Sunday fun activities including pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, and a bouncy castle. Then at 10.45am, we process through Surbiton down to St Andrew’s, remembering Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem...
Pew Sheet for Sunday 26 March 2023...
Join us this Sunday 19th March 2023 for Mothering Sunday. 9.15am: Service of worship for families with young children at St Mark’s. Children at this service often give prayers of thanks both for mothers, but also for all sorts of other people, grandparents, teachers, aunts and...
Pew Sheet for Sunday 19 March 2023...
Here is the latest edition of the parish magazine Spire & Tower. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GOqNVBLnhkHap6VYujSXefNHuuttw3C8/view?usp=sharing ...
Pew Sheet for Sunday 12 March 2023...