The Blog

We welcomed our new curate this Sunday, Michael, as he deaconed at his first Eucharist at St Andrew's church.   We welcome Michael and his wife  Claire, and their family to St Andrew and St Mark and Surbiton.        ...

'Bring and Share' lunch on Sunday 23rd June at 12:30pm at St Andrew's Church There will be a bring and share lunch at St Andrew’s from 12:30pm onwards, after the 11am service. In aid of the charity of the month Leprosy Mission (There is an article in...

St Andrew & St Mark Flying Circus Group on Thursday 27th June 2019 will visit Sunbury-on-Thames Millennium Embroidery Gallery, The Walled Garden, Sunbury TW16 6AB. All are welcome, no booking – just turn up. Contact Harry on 07773 060 233 or John on 07963 878 217 for any more...