Welcome to our page describing our services for Holy Week & Easter at St Andrew & St Mark Surbiton
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 8am Eucharist & 8pm Compline said at St Andrew’s Church.
Eucharist of the Last Supper at 7:30pm followed by watch to midnight at St Mark’s Church
Children’s Good Friday service at 10am at St Andrew’s Church with hot cross buns after the service.
Good Friday Meditation at the Cross 12 – 2pm at St Mark’s
Good Friday Liturgy at 2pm at St Mark’s Church
Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday at 8pm at St Mark’s Church
Traditional BCP Eucharist at 8am at St Andrew’s Church
9:15am Family service for young families and children at St Mark’s Church with Easter egg hunt
Easter Day Choral Eucharist at 11am at St Andrew’s Church.
Our Holy Week and Easter services are in person at St Andrew and St Mark churches. They will also be accessible online via Zoom or Facebook Live.