Mothering Sunday 19th March 2023

Mothering Sunday 19th March 2023

Join us this Sunday 19th March 2023 for Mothering Sunday.

9.15am: Service of worship for families with young children at St Mark’s. Children at this service often give prayers of thanks both for mothers, but also for all sorts of other people, grandparents, teachers, aunts and the like, who aren’t their mothers, but who have mothering type qualities. So this service will explore that. And there’ll be an action song. Daffodil posies will be avaiable to give to those who have been mothers to us.
Then there’s
11am: All Age Parade Eucharist at St Andrew’s. The choir will be singing beautifully including The Lord’s My Shepherd from the Vicar of Dibley. The service theme itself is Mothering and also Saying Goodbye to Michael.  It’s also one of the services when we’re joined by the cubs, scouts and beavers, so there’ll be a lot going on. Fully interactive sermon by Robert and posies of daffodils to give to those who have been mothers to us. And traditional simnel cake with coffee after the service.