Holy Week & Easter services at St Andrew & St Mark

Holy Week & Easter services at St Andrew & St Mark

You are warmly invited to join our services for Holy Week and Easter at St Andrew and St Mark, Surbiton.

There are great services throughout Holy Week.

Monday 11th to Wednesday 13th April there is Eucharist at 8am and Compline at 8pm, all at St Andrew’s church. 

At Maundy Thursday, in the evening at 7.30pm at St Mark’s church, we particularly remember the Last Supper through to Jesus’ betrayal in the Garden. It’s a beautiful, deeply moving service.

On Good Friday there is a Children’s service at 10am for 45 minutes followed by hot cross buns. This is at St Andrew’s church.

On Good Friday, 12 noon to 2pm Meditation at the Cross. Followed by the ancient service of veneration of the cross at 2pm, both at St Mark’s church .

On Easter Eve (Saturday) at 8pm at St Mark’s church, we have ‘The Easter Vigil’, the great service, marking the time when in the darkness, the women found Christ risen. 

Easter Day will be celebrated with a 9.15am Family service at St Mark’s church followed by an Easter egg hunt. At St Andrew’s Choral Eucharist will be sung at 11am, also followed by an Easter egg hunt.

Holy Week and Easter services 2017