Author: SurbAdmin

GRESHAM COLLEGE LECTURES (Video recordings of lectures delivered by Professor Alister McGrath) St. Mark’s Church, Surbiton Sundays at 6.30pm ARE SCIENCE AND FAITH AT WAR? A series of 3 Gresham College Lectures  to be shown in St. Mark’s Church on Sunday evenings following Evening Prayer at 6pm on: May 26th:                 Science and...

Good Friday - Children's Easter Worship St Andrew's Church  Friday 19th April  10:00 am Easter holiday diary date for you and your children  – bring them to St. Andrew’s Church at 10am on Good Friday for a short, informal and multi-sensory re-telling of the Easter story. Come and learn...

This Sunday, 7th April is the APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting). The meeting will follow the 9:15 am All Age Eucharist at St Mark's church. Please come along to find out more about what happened last year at St Andrew and St Mark, and what the direction of...