The Electoral Roll

The Electoral Roll



The Electoral Roll is the basic list in every parish of all those entitled to vote on elections within the Church of England. Those entitled to have their names on this roll have to be 16 years of age or more and they must reside in the relevant parish or be regular worshippers in church whose roll they wish to join.  The Electoral Roll is the list of those who can vote in the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) which this year will be after the 11am Parish Eucharist on Sunday 23rd May.  It also provides an indication of church membership. If you’ve been attending St Andrew’s and St Mark’s regularly (even online!) for 6 months or more, and are over 16, you should be on it! If you do not think you are on the electoral roll please fill in this form Application-for-Enrolment-Electoral-Roll (1) and return it to the parish office as soon as possible or give it to a church warden.