Quiz Night

Quiz Night


Join us for an evening of online quizzing on Saturday 20th February  from 7.30pm.

Curated by our Quizmaster Michael, we will be answering questions for quiz pleasure and glory. Teams can be of any size (so long as they are legal!), but as with recent quizzes, there will be a handicap system.

As with other recent social events, we are guaranteeing £500 to the Charity of the Month, in this case Oxygen, and hoping that donations via the Church’s web page broadly match that. In our experience, the church might get a little extra or a little less, but it basically works out.

Oxygen is a Christian Charity that positively engages with hundreds of young people across Kingston Upon Thames. The late Peter Holmes, played a strong role in the charity’s development, and through Oxygen – and other causes locally – his legacy lives on. Please click here for more information about Oxygen.

To join the quiz on Saturday please contact the parish office sasms@btinternet.com for the Zoom link and codes.